King Funeral a sham
(too old to reply)
Not Jesse
2006-02-09 09:31:53 UTC
Look at the Dems who used this funeral for a political platform. Not one of
them paid tribute to Mrs. King. Instead, the crapheads such as Jimmy Carter
used this as an agenda to further their politics.
Nowhere, not once, did these Democrats pay homage to Ms. King.
This is yet another example of how the Democrats are using Black America.
And what is so sad? The blacks are still so stupid that they actually
allowed this to happen.
Yes, folks, the Democrats are still using the blacks and the blacks are
still seemingly too stupid to realize it.
When will the black leaders stand up, tell Carter that he is a dumbass, tell
Clinton and his Bitch that they are tired of being used by the Democrats?
And Jesse? He has been ripping off the black community for years and these
stupid black leaders have not the brains to see it.
Of course the black leaders are leeches and most don't work. Tell them to
get a job? They will call you a racist.
To the New Orleans blacks, armed robberies are Equal Opporunity Employment.
2006-02-09 15:47:19 UTC
While MLK was putting all those White Wimmins on his Expense Account,
who was servicing the bitch? One of her pickaninnies looks a lot like
Jesse Jacksoff. Think they could pass a DNA examination today?
No wonder she died from Crotch Rot in a Mexicoon VD Clinic.

The National Archives & Records Service should release MLK's FBI Files

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), under its director, J.
Edgar Hoover, began tracking MLK in 1961. Its investigations were
merely superficial until 1962, when they discovered that MLK's most
trusted advisers were New York City lawyer Stanley Levison and Hunter
Pitts O'Dell were in the Communist Party, of the USA. Then-Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedy authorized the FBI to place Wiretaps on
Levison and MLK's home and office phones, and to bug MLK's Motel Rooms
as he traveled around the country. FBI surveillance of MLK, some of it
since made public, demonstrates that he engaged in a wide variety of
extramarital sexual affairs with white women and others. Accounts of
his misbehavior also have been well corroborated by many of MLK's
associates, including his close pal Rev. Ralph Abernathy who said King
spent his last night on earth engaged in an adulterous liaison with
several prostitutes. Some of the FBI reports regarding MLK's sexual
affairs were obtained by the Kennedy's who leaked them to reporters,
coalition partners, and funding sources of the SCLC, and King's

Across from the Lorraine Motel, next to the rooming house in which
James Earl Ray was staying was a vacant Fire Station. The FBI
surveillance team assigned to observe MLK in his Lorraine Motel
second-floor room utilized the fire station as a makeshift base. Using
papered-over windows with peepholes cut into them, the agents were
watching the scene when MLK was shot on a balcony. Immediately
following the shooting, all six agents rushed out of the Fire Station
and were the first people to administer first aid to MLK. Their
presence leads many to speculate that the FBI was somehow involved in
his assassination. Hoover had referred to King as "the most notorious
liar in the country." Afterwards, the Bureau's investigation shifted
away from MLK's sex life to intelligence and counterintelligence work
on the direction of the SCLC and the Black Power Movement.

In January 1977, King's widow Coretta, acting under the control of the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), filed a lawsuit in
DC's District Court to purge the FBI's files of all recorded
audiotapes tapes, microphonic surveillance data and transcripts of
wiretapping of Martin Luther King, Jr. for the period from 1963
through 1968. Clarence M. Kelley, the head of the FBI was named as
defendant. Although her demand conflicted with the Freedom of
Information Act, the sympathetic District Court Judge John Lewis
Smith, Jr. ruled in favor of Coretta, and the FBI's records were
sealed and shipped to the offices of the National Archives and Records
Service. He ordered all FBI files on MLK's activities to be concealed
from public access for a period of fifty (50) years until the year

Thirty-eight (38) years have past since MLK died and even his wife
Coretta is dead. Certainly, the Public's "Right to Know" under the
Freedom of Information Act, should now take precedence over a lower
court judge's unchallenged ruling to conceal important historical
public documents. The United States honors only two men with Federal
Holidays bearing their names. In January, we have Martin Luther King
Day and he has become one of the most prominent names in American
History. Today his supporters often compare him with Abraham Lincoln
and claim both men were great role models. Its time to overrule
District Court Judge Smith's arbitrary and impulsive decision to hide
the facts surrounding the life and death of someone of his great
National Stature.
Post by Not Jesse
Look at the Dems who used this funeral for a political platform. Not one of
them paid tribute to Mrs. King. Instead, the crapheads such as Jimmy Carter
used this as an agenda to further their politics.
Nowhere, not once, did these Democrats pay homage to Ms. King.
This is yet another example of how the Democrats are using Black America.
And what is so sad? The blacks are still so stupid that they actually
allowed this to happen.
Yes, folks, the Democrats are still using the blacks and the blacks are
still seemingly too stupid to realize it.
When will the black leaders stand up, tell Carter that he is a dumbass, tell
Clinton and his Bitch that they are tired of being used by the Democrats?
And Jesse? He has been ripping off the black community for years and these
stupid black leaders have not the brains to see it.
Of course the black leaders are leeches and most don't work. Tell them to
get a job? They will call you a racist.
To the New Orleans blacks, armed robberies are Equal Opporunity Employment.
Barrnabas Collins
2006-02-09 18:14:27 UTC
Post by Not Jesse
Look at the Dems who used this funeral for a political platform. Not one of
them paid tribute to Mrs. King. Instead, the crapheads such as Jimmy Carter
used this as an agenda to further their politics.
Jimmy Carter is one of our greatest presidents. The republicans have
spent 26+ years trashing him, then they wonder why we don't like the
current occupant of the white house, King George.
Post by Not Jesse
Nowhere, not once, did these Democrats pay homage to Ms. King.
This is yet another example of how the Democrats are using Black America.
And what is so sad? The blacks are still so stupid that they actually
allowed this to happen.
And we saw with Katrina how much the Bush administration cares
about Blacks.
Post by Not Jesse
When will the black leaders stand up, tell Carter that he is a dumbass, tell
Clinton and his Bitch that they are tired of being used by the Democrats?
When will Blacks like CR stand up to King George who is only using
her and cares zip zilch nada about Blacks.
Post by Not Jesse
And Jesse? He has been ripping off the black community for years and these
stupid black leaders have not the brains to see it.
And Wal-mart and others are ripping them off alot more and
the republicans don't give a hoot..
Post by Not Jesse
Of course the black leaders are leeches and most don't work. Tell them to
get a job? They will call you a racist.
To the New Orleans blacks, armed robberies are Equal Opporunity Employment.
And most CEOs of corporations don't work either. They get paid
millions of dollars to come in, run a corporation into the ground,
and lay off a few thousand employees.



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2006-02-10 20:28:32 UTC
Let us not forget the legacy....keeping the country's police departments
fully staffed because of black crime in most areas...without the blacks in
our mist, think of the decreases in various programs, money saved...schools
not having to lower their standards to qualify for gov't funds...not having
to hire blacks to fill quotas...ah, where is such a paradise...behind gated
communites where Oprah and the moneyed blacks live...what two-faced
creatures they are.
Post by Not Jesse
Look at the Dems who used this funeral for a political platform. Not one of
them paid tribute to Mrs. King. Instead, the crapheads such as Jimmy Carter
used this as an agenda to further their politics.
Nowhere, not once, did these Democrats pay homage to Ms. King.
This is yet another example of how the Democrats are using Black America.
And what is so sad? The blacks are still so stupid that they actually
allowed this to happen.
Yes, folks, the Democrats are still using the blacks and the blacks are
still seemingly too stupid to realize it.
When will the black leaders stand up, tell Carter that he is a dumbass, tell
Clinton and his Bitch that they are tired of being used by the Democrats?
And Jesse? He has been ripping off the black community for years and these
stupid black leaders have not the brains to see it.
Of course the black leaders are leeches and most don't work. Tell them to
get a job? They will call you a racist.
To the New Orleans blacks, armed robberies are Equal Opporunity Employment.
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----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
2006-02-10 23:45:37 UTC
While MLK was putting all those White Wimmins on his Expense Account,
who was servicing his bitch?
One of her pickaninnies looks a lot like Jesse Jacksoff. Think they
could pass a DNA examination today?
No wonder she died from Crotch Rot in a Mexicoon VD Clinic.

The National Archives & Records Service should release MLK's FBI Files

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), under its director, J.
Edgar Hoover, began tracking MLK in 1961. Its investigations were
merely superficial until 1962, when they discovered that MLK's most
trusted advisers were New York City lawyer Stanley Levison and Hunter
Pitts O'Dell were in the Communist Party, of the USA. Then-Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedy authorized the FBI to place Wiretaps on
Levison and MLK's home and office phones, and to bug MLK's Motel Rooms
as he traveled around the country. FBI surveillance of MLK, some of it
since made public, demonstrates that he engaged in a wide variety of
extramarital sexual affairs with white women and others. Accounts of
his misbehavior also have been well corroborated by many of MLK's
associates, including his close pal Rev. Ralph Abernathy who said King
spent his last night on earth engaged in an adulterous liaison with
several prostitutes. Some of the FBI reports regarding MLK's sexual
affairs were obtained by the Kennedy's who leaked them to reporters,
coalition partners, and funding sources of the SCLC, and King's

Across from the Lorraine Motel, next to the rooming house in which
James Earl Ray was staying was a vacant Fire Station. The FBI
surveillance team assigned to observe MLK in his Lorraine Motel
second-floor room utilized the fire station as a makeshift base. Using
papered-over windows with peepholes cut into them, the agents were
watching the scene when MLK was shot on a balcony. Immediately
following the shooting, all six agents rushed out of the Fire Station
and were the first people to administer first aid to MLK. Their
presence leads many to speculate that the FBI was somehow involved in
his assassination. Hoover had referred to King as "the most notorious
liar in the country." Afterwards, the Bureau's investigation shifted
away from MLK's sex life to intelligence and counterintelligence work
on the direction of the SCLC and the Black Power Movement.

In January 1977, King's widow Coretta, acting under the control of the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), filed a lawsuit in
DC's District Court to purge the FBI's files of all recorded
audiotapes tapes, microphonic surveillance data and transcripts of
wiretapping of Martin Luther King, Jr. for the period from 1963
through 1968. Clarence M. Kelley, the head of the FBI was named as
defendant. Although her demand conflicted with the Freedom of
Information Act, the sympathetic District Court Judge John Lewis
Smith, Jr. ruled in favor of Coretta, and the FBI's records were
sealed and shipped to the offices of the National Archives and Records
Service. He ordered all FBI files on MLK's activities to be concealed
from public access for a period of fifty (50) years until the year

Thirty-eight (38) years have past since MLK died and even his wife
Coretta is dead. Certainly, the Public's "Right to Know" under the
Freedom of Information Act, should now take precedence over a lower
court judge's unchallenged ruling to conceal important historical
public documents. The United States honors only two men with Federal
Holidays bearing their names. In January, we have Martin Luther King
Day and he has become one of the most prominent names in American
History. Today his supporters often compare him with Abraham Lincoln
and claim both men were great role models. Its time to overrule
District Court Judge Smith's arbitrary and impulsive decision to hide
the facts surrounding the life and death of someone of his great
National Stature.
Post by alphaopera
Let us not forget the legacy....keeping the country's police departments
fully staffed because of black crime in most areas...without the blacks in
our mist, think of the decreases in various programs, money saved...schools
not having to lower their standards to qualify for gov't funds...not having
to hire blacks to fill quotas...ah, where is such a paradise...behind gated
communites where Oprah and the moneyed blacks live...what two-faced
creatures they are.
Post by Not Jesse
Look at the Dems who used this funeral for a political platform. Not one
of them paid tribute to Mrs. King. Instead, the crapheads such as Jimmy
Carter used this as an agenda to further their politics.
Nowhere, not once, did these Democrats pay homage to Ms. King.
This is yet another example of how the Democrats are using Black America.
And what is so sad? The blacks are still so stupid that they actually
allowed this to happen. Yes, folks, the Democrats are still using the blacks and the blacks are
still seemingly too stupid to realize it.
When will the black leaders stand up, tell Carter that he is a dumbass, tell
Clinton and his Bitch that they are tired of being used by the Democrats?
And Jesse? He has been ripping off the black community for years and these
stupid black leaders have not the brains to see it.
Of course the black leaders are leeches and most don't work. Tell them to
get a job? They will call you a racist.
To the New Orleans blacks, armed robberies are Equal Opporunity Employment.
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